Short Description:
Featured in over 25 movies since 1986. Most notably starred in a 1990 episode of "Unsolved Mysteries" featuring Robert Stack, as well as the 1994 films "Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight" and "Terminal Velocity" starring Charlie Sheen.
Long Description:
This 1952 Beechcraft Model 18 movie airplane has been featured in over 25 movies since 1986. Most notably it starred in a 1990 episode of "Unsolved Mysteries" featuring Robert Stack, the 1994 films "Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight" and "Terminal Velocity" starring Charlie Sheen, "Man on the Moon" with Jim Carrey in 1999, an episode of "House" in 2005, the 2008 "Spy Kids" movie, "Ford v Ferrari" in 2019, and "All the Pretty Horses" with Matt Damon and Penelope Cruz. Over the years it has also starred in commercials for many major brands, including Pepsi, Honda and Bud Light. The D18 is powered by two Pratt & Whitney R-985 9-cylinder radial engines rated with 450hp, each turning Hamilton Standard Two-Blade Canadian square-tip propellers fitted with Canadian blades and an Aerospace spar strap. The silver plane sits on Cleveland wheels and brakes with all metalized control services. Inside the cockpit, the Beech is equipped with an IFR panel that presents necessary information to pilots for flying under instrument flight rules (IFR). IFR is used in situations where visual flight rules (VFR) would not be possible, such as during bad weather or unclear/foggy weather conditions. Additionally, it features dual King KX-155 NAV/COMM (which shows simultaneous active and standby frequencies for both the NAV and COMM sides), and an Apollo GPS, King 76 transponder with Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), which combines an aircraft's positioning source, aircraft avionics and a ground infrastructure to create an accurate surveillance interface between aircraft and air traffic control. The D18 also features S-TEC 65 autopilot with electric trim that provides automatic elevator trim follow-up when the pitch axis of the autopilot is engaged. Entry to the aircraft is at the left rear of the fuselage through the air-stair door, which is covered in the same Burgundy carpet that runs through the cabin of the Beech D18. The interior is finished in Burgundy and gray and features five high-back reclining seats and a fold-out desk. The airframe total time since new is 8,344. Both engines are 682 SMOH by Aero Engines in Los Angeles, CA, and the 5-year prop AD (Airworthiness Directive) was done on both props in November 2021 by Aero Propeller in Hemet, CA. The props won't be due until November 2026. Even though the propellers have very little time on them, these are what you call "calendar" ADs. Even if the airplane only flew 1 hour in 5 years, this AD has to be done every 5 years regardless. This plane was sold new from Beechcraft to the Canadian military/government. Civilian logbooks start in the early 1960s. It has extremely good, detailed logs and records since it began its civilian life, right through the present. All documentation will accompany the sale.